
2024 Impact Update
Progress Over Easy

2024 Impact Update

We’re on a mission to bring ethically produced food to the table and are pleased to share our progress. This 2024 Impact Update describes how our results-driven, holistic approach to stakeholder resilience comes to life. Together with our stakeholders, we will continue on our journey to improve the lives of people, animals, and the planet through food.


Impact Goals

In 2023, we focused our Impact efforts on issues most material to our business and our stakeholders and defined five Impact Goals for us to work towards over the next five years.

Ecological Impacts
Improve Natural Resource Management in our Operations Achieved!

  • How is this measured?
    Achieve zero waste1 to landfill at Egg Central Station by the end of 2023
  • Stakeholder focus:
    Reduce the impact of our operations on the planet and communities

1Zero-waste defined as <10% of waste by weight.

Inclusion And Belonging
Continue to Build a More Inclusive Workplace for Crew

  • How is this measured?
    Increase favorability in our annual Inclusion Survey by 5 percentage points1
  • Stakeholder focus:
    Support a world-class organization, driving crew retention and recruitment

1Culture Amp, our survey administrator, describes +/- 5% as statistically meaningful.

The Executive Compensation to ESG Performance

  • How is this measured?
    Factor Impact performance into executive compensation by 2025
  • Stakeholder focus:
    Ensure further alignment of our Impact efforts with our business for all stakeholders

Climate Change: Farmers
Mitigate Climate Risk in our Supply Chain

  • How is this measured?
    Engage 100% of farmers on regenerative agriculture by 2026
  • Stakeholder focus:
    Drive long-term resiliency for our farmers and reduce production risks

Climate Change: Operations
Mitigate Climate Risk in our Operations

  • How is this measured?
    Reduce our operational (Scope 1 &2) greenhouse gas intensity1 by 25% by 2027
  • Stakeholder focus:
    Reduce the impact of our operations on the planet and communities

1Measured in tons of CO2 per $ million in revenue.

Materiality Matrix

Our Impact work is embedded in our business. This holistic approach enables us to avoid siloed or bolt-on programming that, we believe, compromises the real impact this work should have across our stakeholders. The 17 issues identified in our Materiality Matrix are inextricably linked, foundational to our short- and medium-term goals, and result from a rigorous, three-stage process:

We worked with independent experts to review reporting frameworks, market trends, industry benchmarking, expert insights, our business model, and potential for impact.

We engaged our stakeholders, including crew members, stockholders, consumers, and farmers, to identify the Impact issues most impactful to our business and important to them.

We analyzed stakeholder, industry, and operational data to produce this matrix.

We conducted our first assessment in 2021, and we review our matrix each year to ensure that it continues to align with our business and stakeholder expectations. In 2024, we are planning to refresh our matrix, which includes adding emerging issues for consideration and surveying stakeholders. We will do this on a 3-year cadence moving forward.

Governance Structure

Board of directors

Our Board of Directors and its committees oversee the company’s overall risk management strategy, including Impact and climate-related risks and opportunities. The Board receives quarterly reports from its Nominating and Governance Committee that include Impact progress along with annual reports from the company’s management-level Impact leadership on Impact goals and initiatives. The Board also approves the company’s annual operating and capital budgets, which include operating expenses and capital investments related to climate change mitigation and other initiatives.

Nominating &
governance committee

Oversight of Impact issues is managed by our Board’s Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and is reflected in the committee’s charter. The committee oversees our strategy, initiatives, and reporting related to Impact, including environmental initiatives and progress toward our Impact goals. Its oversight function also includes responsibility for overseeing risk management with respect to Impact risk areas, including climate risk. Our General Counsel, Corporate Secretary & Head of Impact presents to the committee quarterly.

team (SLT)

Our SLT is the highest management level in our company. The SLT manages risks to our company, including environmental and climate-related risks, through regular reporting from several functional areas. The SLT includes our General Counsel, Corporate Secretary & Head of Impact, who reports directly to our Chief Executive Officer. The SLT manages our response to material Impact issues, including adverse weather events and other climate-related matters, and regularly reports out to the Board and its committees with respect to such risks.

Steering committee

In 2022, we formed an Impact Steering Committee consisting of functional leadership and individual contributors from departments across our organization, including Operations, Live Production, Supply Chain, Legal, People, and Investor Relations. This committee is directly accountable for the strategy, ownership, and implementation of Impact goals and initiatives across our business, including measurement, monitoring, and reporting on the progress of our climate-related initiatives to the SLT.

B Corp Certified

Vital Farms has been a Certified B Corporation since 2015. B Lab, an independent nonprofit entity who administers the B Corporation standards, assesses companies on more than 200 sustainability questions and awards B Corporation certification to companies that meet stringent social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency standards.

To certify as a B Corp, companies must obtain a minimum score of 80 points on the B Corp Impact Assessment and undergo reevaluation every three years.

Certified since: 2015

Most recently certified: 2022

Community: 38.6

Workers: 23.3

Environment: 20.2

Governance: 14.9

Customers: 1.4

Public Benefit Corporation

In 2017, we elected to be treated as a public benefit corporation under Delaware law. Public benefit corporations in Delaware are required to identify in their governing documents the specific public benefits that they will promote, and directors have a duty to consider these interests when managing the company. Our classification as a public benefit corporation underscores our commitment to our purpose and pursuit of long-term benefits for each of our stakeholders, including farmers and suppliers, consumers and customers, communities and the environment, crew members, and stockholders. The public benefits listed in our governing documents are:

  • Bringing ethically produced food to the table
  • Bringing joy to our customers through products and services
  • Allowing crew members to thrive in an empowering, fun environment
  • Fostering lasting partnerships with our farms and suppliers
  • Forging an enduring profitable business
  • Being stewards of our animals, land, air and water, and being supportive of our community